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Internet Addiction Prevention Center supports your relaxation



Smartphone overdependence children observer scale

The results of the tests for the observers (parents or teachers, etc.) of children are classified into three groups; high risk / potential risk / general user group.

Smartphone overdependence children observer scale

Self Rating for Adults (15questions) - Year, Month, Day, Age, Gender, Name

View : 1point - Strongly disagree / 2point - disagree / 3point - Agree / 4point - Strongly agree

  1. 01

    The child follows the guidance of parents about using smartphone.

  2. 02

    The child finishes smartphone uses well according to the fixed using time.

  3. 03

    The child stop himself even if he does not take away a smartphone.

  4. 04

    The child always wants to play with a smartphone.

  5. 05

    The child likes to play with a smartphone more than anything else.

  6. 06

    The child is trying to use a smartphone from time to time.

  7. 07

    We often fight with children for their overuse of smartphones.

  8. 08

    Smartphones can interfere with the other playing and learning.

  9. 09

    I think my child’s eye sight and posture are getting worse due to excessive smartphone use.