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Internet Addiction Prevention Center supports your relaxation


Adults and Seniors

Smartphone overdependence adults and senior scale

It is classified into three user groups; high risk / potential risk / general user group as a result of self-diagnosis test for adults and seniors.

Smartphone overdependence adults and senior scale

Smartphone overdependence adults and senior scale - Gender, Age

View : 1point - Strongly disagree / 2point - disagree / 3point - Agree / 4point - Strongly agree

  1. 01

    It fails every time you reduce the smartphone hours.

  2. 02

    It is difficult to control the usage time of smartphone.

  3. 03

    It is difficult to keep proper smartphone usage time.

  4. 04

    It is hard to focus on other things if you have a smartphone next to you.

  5. 05

    Smartphone thinking does not leave your head.

  6. 06

    I feel strong desire to use smartphone.

  7. 07

    I have problems with my health because of smartphone use.

  8. 08

    I have a hard time with my family because of smartphone use.

  9. 09

    Due to the use of smartphones, I have experienced severe conflicts in friends, colleagues, and social relationships.

  10. 10

    Due to the smartphone, there are difficulties in performing tasks (such as study or work).